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Film : 5 cm (2012)

5 cm is an Indonesian movie. I will try to review it in English :) This movie is based on one best-seller novel in my country by Donny Dhirgantoro. I have one inside my bookshelf.

Genre : Drama, Adventure
a brief story :

This is a story about 5 bestfriends : Genta, Arial, Zafran, Ian, and Riani. All have their unique characters and personalities. Their friendship is very solid until they decided to separate for 3 months. After 3 months, they reunited again and run a mission : arrive on top of Mahameru. Mahameru is one of the tallest peak in Java. The story begins here when they fight for their dream with a strong determination. 

Left-Right : Zafran (Herjunot Ali), Ian (Saykoji), Riani (Raline Shah), Dinda (Pevita Pearce), Genta (Fedi Nuril), Arial ( Denny Sumargo)

comments :

i like this movie very much. i think this is the best Indonesian movie from a novel adapatation. they really shoot scenes from the real environment of Mahameru. From Ranu Pane ( first basecamp of Mahameru climbing ) to Ranu Kumbolo ( a beautiful green valley with its blue lake ), until Arcopodo ( the latest basecamp ) and last Mahameru Peak.

Ranu Kumbolo. Copyright by Fothobhy
Mahameru Peak from far
Beautiful, isn't it? There are in Indonesia only. Beside its beautiful scenery, i like how they interpret "dream and goal" to one good quote. Your feet, your hands, your eyes, your neck, your heart, and your mouth are your assets given by God to achieve your goal. Hanging your goal 5 centimetre in front of your forehead. 
Biarkan keyakinan kamu, 5 centimeter menggantung mengambang di depan kening kamu. Dan.. sehabis itu yang kamu perlu cuma..
Kaki yang akan berjalan lebih jauh dari biasanya, 

tangan yang akan berbuat lebih banyak dari biasanya, 

mata yang akan menatap lebih lama dari biasanya, leher yang akan lebih sering melihat ke atas, lapisan tekad yang seribu kali lebih keras dari baja,
serta mulut yang akan selalu berdoa..

One thing i like about this movie is its power of dialogue. Fun, light, inspiring, and powerful. Other than that,  this movie isn't about adventure at all. Between their friendship, there comes love. Fortunately, their love conflict doesn't appear too much like other movie does. Enough and well interpreted.

Well, at last, always believe what is it in 5 centimetre in front of your forehead. For Indonesian friend, go watch it without any doubt. Recommend approved :D


Hello guys, I'm Marchella. I'm a 24 years old part time blogger from Indonesia. I'm also a food lovers. I love everything delicious to see.