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Gnomeo & Juliet (2011)

GREAT ! Finally i watched movies in cinema !

it likes a thousand weeks i've never gone there. so miss it ^^
and this time, i would love to watch Gnomeo & Juliet 3D !

Dimulai di awal cerita oleh prolog yang meledek untuk menebak judul ceritanya, mulailah kisah Romeo & Julietnya para Gnome, yaitu patung taman. Patung taman kubu biru yang dipimpin oleh Lady Blubury dan kubu merah dipimpin oleh Lord Redbrick, saling bersaing mengikuti perseteruan majikannya pula.

Dibalik perseteruan mereka, ada yang ditakdirkan untuk bertemu, yaitu Gnomeo & Juliet.

Juliet: Oh, Gnomeo, Gnomeo, are we really doomed to never see each other again? Why must you wear a blue hat? Why couldn't it be red like my father, or green like... like a leprechaun... or purple like, ummm, like some weird guy - I mean what's in a gnome? Because you are blue, my father sees red, and because I am red, I am feeling blue. Oh, at any rate that shouldn't be the thing to keep us apart, should it?

Apakah cinta mereka akan musnah layaknya Romeo & Juliet ? Tentu saja tidak.
Karena film ini sudah dirubah plotnya sedemikian rupa sehingga supaya bisa dinikmati semua kalangan umur, film ini didesain untuk hiburan semata, bukan untuk menyentuh.


Elton John Soundtrack full in here. Long time not hear it. All are quite good though for listening. They are :
"Hello Hello" which performed by Elton John & Lady Gaga !
"Crocodile Rock"
which performed by Nelly Furtado & Elton John.

Nannete and other thing of rabbit really makes me crazy. they're so FUNNY ! Romantic-LESS Failed of Nannete and the cuteness of Rabbits is great ^^ and other Gnome's stupidity !

and what things really happy by watching this? Love os Gnomeo & Juliet isn't ending like Romeo & Juliet. ALL the scenes ended happy, include REDHAT and BLUEHAT :)

there's a disapointed things for me while watching this movie : 3D Effect ! Gak usah deh mendingan bikin film 3D nya, gak ada efek-efeknya sama sekali pas nonton 3D =.=

in the end, the movie was quite good. you can laugh at, you can smile at, but just a WHILE.
not lasting last in your memory


Hello guys, I'm Marchella. I'm a 24 years old part time blogger from Indonesia. I'm also a food lovers. I love everything delicious to see.


  1. belom nonton niii >_< pdahal pengen banget tapi karena ud mau ujian jd ga kul mana ya? :)

  2. kuliah di Binus ni.
    wah, ribka SMA 3 mau UAN ya? gudluck yahh :) beli dvd ato bis ujian nonton bisa koq..
    baguuuss :)

  3. artikel yang sangat kereeennn..
    salam kenal yah ..
    kalau ada waktu mampir ke blogku yah ..
