Harry Potter 7 & The Deathly Hallows Part 2
looks like its been a very very long time i wrote this blog.
i'm kind a lil confuse what about i should write since there's no more box office movies in my country, Indonesia.
and now. i'm very happy The Final of Harry Potter is finally released here. yeey.
yes its late. but i can't stand to not watch this film, since i watched this when i was at elementary school. okay, i'm not blabbing anymore. lets see what i'm saying bout this HP7Part2 that's so fenomenal.
i'm writing in Indonesian then. LOL ! :D
Perjalanan Harry Ron dan Hermione bersama-sama menghancurkan horcrux dilanjutkan. Dimulai dari menyelinap ke brankas Gringgotsnya Bellatrix sampe menghancurkan tiara Ravenclaw. Voldemort pun mulai menghantui Hogwarts supaya menyerahkan Harry Potter kepadanya. Hogwarts yang dipimpin Snape semenjak meninggalnya Dumbledore, dialihkan sementara ke Minerva McGonnagal untuk melindungi Hogwarts dan Harry. Semua Orde sama-sama membantu Hogwarts dan Harry. Sampai akhirnya Harry menyerahkan diri ke Voldemort pada akhirnya. Voldemort dan Harry pun saling adu dan akhirnyaa..

Tada. Tentu Saja Harry Potter menang, karena horcrux terakhir yang harus dihancurkan telah berhasil dihancurkan oleh Neville. Yeah ! Perjalanan terakhir yang cukup seru dan bikin penasaran.Lord Voldemort: Join me in the forest tonight and confront your fate.
Yap. Harry Potter is END ! No More Harry Potter. This film is JUST the FINAL i think.
Seru. Ada unsur merindingnya juga waktu semua Orde dan penghuni Hogwarts melindungi Hogwarts. Kerasa banget ikatan batinnya. Protego maxima, fianto duri
Penasaran juga iyah. Kapan horcruxnya dihancurin dan kapan voldemort mati. Dengan cara yang bagaimana Voldemort mati. Tapi cara mati Voldemort kurang seru. Coba si Harry ngapain gitu. hahaha.
Yang paling keren ngeliat Neville yang bener-bener bertindak sebagai pahlawan disini. Oh man. You're doing a great job, Neville. Apalagi pas dia bilang dia naksir Luna. AW ! So sweett >< I Love Luna too. She is Pretty :D (than Cho Chang) hahahah
Neville Longbottom: It doesn't matter that Harry's gone. People die every day. Friends, family. Yeah, we still lost Harry tonight. He's still with us, in here
[gestures to chest] . Fred, Remus, Tonks... they didn't die in vain. But YOU will. 'Cause you're wrong! Harry's heart did beat for us! For all of us! It's not over!
In the end, we have seen that ABSOLUTELY Ron get married with Hermione and Harry with Ginny. Yeah. Such a Beautiful End of the Story.
The SUPADUPA CUTE Character in here is Albus Severus Potter. Seriously a cute boy :D
and then son of Hermione and Ron, Hugo Weasley.
and then son of Hermione and Ron, Hugo Weasley.
Harry Potter to Albus : You were named for two headmasters of Hogwarts. One of them was a Slytherin and he was probably the bravest man I ever knew.
But just say – then Slytherin House will have gained an excellent student, won’t it? It doesn’t matter to us, Al. But if it matters to you, you’ll be able to choose Gryffindor over Slytherin. The Sorting Hat takes your choice into account.
And you know there's a scene that pictured other sides of Snape. How he is so in love with Lily, seriously a REALLY True Love. aww. BTW, Small Lily was so pretty.
Young Severus Snape: She's just jealous. That she's ordinary, and you're special.
Young Lily Potter: That's mean, Severus.
so sad that no more Harry Potter. Waiting for Pottermore.com then.
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